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Join us please, all Professional Astrologers, for Cafe Esoterica Radio presents The Astrology Summit on Saturday, August 18th, 2018 at 7-10:00pm UK, 2-5:00pm EST & 11am-2:00pm PST and worldwide on ZOOM MEDIA. Email Shawn at: to register your interest, it is FREE and you will be sent out the ZOOM link. Let us commune with like minded Astrologers! How were the Eclipses for you? How about those Retrogrades? We have much to chat and share about! Watch the above video and send your email. You can also be interviewed as my guest on Cafe Esoterica Radio.  The lovely Goddess Astrologer, Katy Sophia will also be assisting me on the Zoom Roundtable meeting. Katy's website is here:  and finally, please join our Facebook group where we can chat and share content as well which is here: (Professional Astrologers Only please!)  

I would like to personally thank all the wonderful and wise Astrologers who came to share and discuss and enjoy other Astrologers from around the world for our first Astrology Summit on Auguist 18, 2018 on Zoom! It won't be our last and I am thrilled to announce many of the Astrologers will be my guests on Cafe Esoterica Radio so keep listening! Call in and speak to my guests too and chat in the chat room, enlightenment comes to you all from our wonderful guests! The video of this 3 hour summit will be available on Cafe Esoterica Radio's You Tube Channel for a small fee to view. I will put the link up here soon. 

@Copyright Shawn M. Cohen 2016 , 2017, 2018 , 2019, 2020 and, 

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