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Our Latest Show is here: 

Welcome to Cafe Esoterica Radio on Blog Talk Radio. com and now also broadcasting LIVE on!( Just search "Cafe Esoterica Radio" on there) We are so proud of our amazing and inspiring guests, our listeners, all over the world and  those who chat in the chat room along with the show and call in! Our call in number is: (516)387-1809.  Blog Talk Radio no longer uses Skype so that is the only way to reach us on air, the call in number or the chat room.  The show is LIVE on THURSDAYS from 7:00pm -9:00pm GMT, 2:00pm-4:00pm EST & 11:00am -1:00pm PST and all points inbetween so please check your own time zones! We are heard all over the world so get your timezone right and click the link below!
Listed below are the first 7 we run out of room on this page you can always find the archived shows and our latest show on this link:

Our very first show premiered on Dec 1st, 2016 with guest: Bill Guggenheim, author of after death communication research, "Hello From Heaven" is here:

Andrew Fisher, Host of Nature of Reality Radio show on Blog Talk Radio and Capricorn Radio was our 3rd show guest with everything from Conspiracy Theories to Aliens! We love Andrew and were both guests on his show at different times so we just HAD to have his "bad boy of internet radio" self on our show! Check it out here: 


 Cafe Esoterica Radio Show 5 with Pittsburgh Astrologer Donna Greco, listen here:

For the New Year, New You theme, our very own Co-Hostess with the Mostess, Joanne Rossi, who works in Addiction, Trauma and Recovery will offer us her knowledge, hope and techniques to conquer the demon which is addiction!  Show number 7 is here:

We took a hiatus and now we are back with a bang and a new Co-Hostess with the Mostess, Ms. Nina Ashby! Our new show is the usual time of 7:00pm UK and 2:00pm EST and here is the link to it, for THURSDAY, APRIL 20th, 2017. Please join Shawn and Nina as we trip the light fantastic and interview Dr Jose Mendonca Caridad who saved Shawn's life because she had toxic teeth! Mercury fillings are no joke and they can kill you. Dr. Jose is an expert in his field, please join in and listen and call in, chat in our chat room here:

@Copyright Shawn M. Cohen 2016 , 2017, 2018 , 2019, 2020 and, 

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